City Council AgendaRegular Meeting - 6:00 p.m.Wednesday, April 03, 2024 at 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Council Chambers825 Imperial Beach BoulevardImperial Beach, CA 91932THE CITY COUNCIL ALSO SITS AS THE IMPERIAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND IMPERIAL BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUCCESSOR AGENCY. Public Comments: Members of the public can participate in-person at the City Council meeting to provide public comments. Members of the public can also submit written comments prior to the City Council meeting via e-mail at: Copies of the written comments received by noon on the day of the City Council meeting will be provided to the City Council and be made available to the public at the City Council meeting. They will be part of the official record of the meeting, but they will not be read aloud at the meeting. Members of the public who wish to watch City Council meetings, are encouraged to stream from the City website at: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Imperial Beach requests that individuals who require reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this meeting contact the City Clerk’s office at (619) 628-2347 or TTY 711 as soon as possible during regular business hours and not later than at least twelve (12) hours in advance of the meeting to discuss your accessibility needs.Foreign language and American Sign Language interpretation services are now available for City Council meetings. Contact the City Clerk’s office at (619) 628-2347 or TTY 711 by noon on Monday prior to the meeting.Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council/Planning Commission/Public Financing Authority/Housing Authority/I.B. RDA Successor Agency regarding any item on this agenda will be available to the public on the City's website at: TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.REIMBURSEMENT DISCLOSURES/REPORTS ON ASSIGNMENTS AND COMMITTEES All City Council assignments are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office.5.COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY STAFF 6.PUBLIC COMMENT Each person wishing to address the City Council regarding items not on the posted agenda may do so at this time. In accordance with State law, Council may not take action on an item not scheduled on the agenda. If appropriate, the item will be referred to the City Manager or placed on a future agenda.7.PRESENTATIONS 7.aPROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH – APRIL 2024. (0410-30) 1.SR National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2024-04-03.pdf2.Att 1 Proclamation National Child Abuse Prevention Month April 2024.pdfRecommendation:That the City Council approve the Proclamation.7.bPROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH – APRIL 2024. (0410-30) 1.SR Autism Awareness Month 2024-04-03.pdf2.Att 1 Proclamation Autism Awareness Month April 2024.pdfRecommendation:That the City Council approve the Proclamation.7.cIMPERIAL BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE UPDATE. (0130-10)* *No Staff Report.8.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items, unless the item is removed from the Consent Calendar by action of the City Council. A Councilmember or member of the public may make a comment on any item on the Consent Calendar.Recommendation:To approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 8.a through 8.e.8.aAPPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. 1.SR City Council Meeting Minutes 04-03-24.pdf2.ATT 1 03-20-2024 Regular Meeting Minutes_DRAFT.pdf3.ATT 2 03-27-2024 Special Workshop Meeting Minutes_DRAFT.pdfRecommendation:That the City Council approves the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 20, 2024 and the Special Workshop Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2024.8.bRATIFICATION OF WARRANT REGISTER FOR THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 9, 2024, TO MARCH 22, 2024. (0300-25) 1.SR WARRANT REGISTER 2024-04-03.pdf2.ATT 1- Expense Approval Report 03.09.2024-03.22.2024.pdfRecommendation:Staff is seeking that the City Council ratify and file the Warrant Register Report.8.cRECEIVE TREASURER’S REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2024 (0300-90). 1.SR TREASURER'S REPORT FEBRUARY 20204 2024-04-03.pdf2.ATT 1 2024.02 Treasurer's Report.pdf3.ATT 2 2024.02 Chandler Statement.pdf4.ATT 3 2024.02 LAIF Statement.pdfRecommendation:Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file the February 2024 Treasurer's Report.8.dRESOLUTION NO. 2024-016 AWARDING A PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT TO ACE EXCAVATING & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. TO CONSTRUCT THE SPORTS PARK RESTROOM PROJECT AND ALLOCATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO THE PROJECT (P23101) (0330-35 & 0920-40). 1.SR AWARDING A PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT TO ACE EXCAVATING TO CONSTRUCT THE SPORTS PARK RESTROOM PROJECT (P23101).pdf2.ATT 1 2024-016 Award Sports Park Restroom Project.pdfRecommendation:Adopt Resolution No. 2024-016 to award the construction contract to Ace Excavating & Environmental Services, Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $368,000.00 for the Sports Park Restroom Project (P23101).8.eNOTIFICATON OF TRAVEL: MAYOR AGUIRRE WILL ATTEND THE SAN DIEGO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DELEGATION TO WASHINGTON D.C. APRIL 14-17,2024. THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR TRAVEL, ACCOMODATIONS AND MEALS IS $1,860. (0410-60)* *No Staff Report.9.ORDINANCES/INTRODUCTION & FIRST READING None.10.PUBLIC HEARINGS None.11.REPORTS 11.aDISCUSSION OF 2024 SUN AND SEA EVENT. (1040-10) 1.SR SUN AND SEA DISCUSSION.pdfRecommendation:Staff recommends that the City Council provide direction to staff regarding the Sun and Sea event proposed to be held in August 2024.11.bCONSIDER ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 2024-018 OPPOSING THE TAXPAYER PROTECTION AND GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY ACT AND SEND A LETTER OF OPPOSITION TO CALCITIES. (0460-20) 1.Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act.pdf2.ATT 1 Resolution No. 2024-018.pdf3.ATT 2 Initiative 21-0042 Amendments.pdf4.ATT 3 Cal Cities_CBRT Oppose Letter_2024.pdfRecommendation:That the City Council consider adopting Resolution No. 2024-018 opposing the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act (Initiative No. 21-0042A1) and request that the Mayor send a letter on behalf of the City Council to the League of California Cities opposing Initiative No. 21-0042A1.11.cCONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2024-017 TO APPROVE THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (0530-60). 1.SR City Manager Agreement Amendment 2024-4-3.pdf2.Att 1- Reso 2024-017 First Amdmt- Foltz.pdf3.Att 2 First Amendment to Foltz Employment Agreement.pdfRecommendation:Consider approval of Resolution No. 2024-017 to approve the First Amendment to the City Manager Employment Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the First Amendment.12.I.B. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUCCESSOR AGENCY REPORTS None.13.ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR (IF ANY) 14.CITY COUNCIL FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS 15.ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.SR WARRANT REGISTER 2024-04-03.pdf2.ATT 1- Expense Approval Report 03.09.2024-03.22.2024.pdf1.SR TREASURER'S REPORT FEBRUARY 20204 2024-04-03.pdf2.ATT 1 2024.02 Treasurer's Report.pdf3.ATT 2 2024.02 Chandler Statement.pdf4.ATT 3 2024.02 LAIF Statement.pdf1.SR City Council Meeting Minutes 04-03-24.pdf2.ATT 1 03-20-2024 Regular Meeting Minutes_DRAFT.pdf3.ATT 2 03-27-2024 Special Workshop Meeting Minutes_DRAFT.pdf1.SR SUN AND SEA DISCUSSION.pdf1.SR City Manager Agreement Amendment 2024-4-3.pdf2.Att 1- Reso 2024-017 First Amdmt- Foltz.pdf3.Att 2 First Amendment to Foltz Employment Agreement.pdf1.SR National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2024-04-03.pdf2.Att 1 Proclamation National Child Abuse Prevention Month April 2024.pdf1.SR AWARDING A PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT TO ACE EXCAVATING TO CONSTRUCT THE SPORTS PARK RESTROOM PROJECT (P23101).pdf2.ATT 1 2024-016 Award Sports Park Restroom Project.pdf1.SR Autism Awareness Month 2024-04-03.pdf2.Att 1 Proclamation Autism Awareness Month April 2024.pdf1.Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act.pdf2.ATT 1 Resolution No. 2024-018.pdf3.ATT 2 Initiative 21-0042 Amendments.pdf4.ATT 3 Cal Cities_CBRT Oppose Letter_2024.pdf